Being a responsible travella

Looking for a way to make a difference while exploring the world? Well then, responsible travel is your answer! It’s not just about taking selfies in exotic locations, it’s about being considerate towards the local people, their vibrant cultures, economy, and the environment. At Avella Sights, we believe in responsible travel and integrate it into every trip we offer. With us, you can have a stress-free traveling experience while also being a conscientious globetrotter. 

We strive to keep our carbon footprints minimal, support local businesses and communities, and work towards preserving cultural heritage. With a passionate and curious attitude, you can experience authentic interactions with locals and create unforgettable memories. Whether trekking across mountain ranges or enjoying a cup of coffee in a quaint village, Avella Sights’ responsible travel approach ensures that you’ll leave a positive impact everywhere you go.

Avella's Top 9 Tips for Responsible travel

1. Preparing for your travels involves more than just packing your bags. It’s important to do your research about the destination, culture, and customs of the places you’ll be visiting.

2. Take the time to learn about appropriate behavior and body language, such as the concept of “saving face” in Asian countries or the desire to handshake in Africa, or the thumbs up gesture in Western or Central Europe.

3. Supporting locally-owned businesses, hotels, and restaurants is a great way to immerse yourself in the community and embrace the local culture.

4. It’s also important to be mindful of the impact you have on the environment. Make a conscious effort to reduce waste and say no to single-use plastic items.

5. When taking photos, always ask permission before photographing or videoing people.

6. Dress respectfully with an awareness of local standards. Dress modestly at religious sites and check what swim wear is suitable for pools and the beach.

7. Be wary of giving gifts or money to beggars, children and people you have just met. Supporting the community through a local school, clinic or development project may be more constructive.

8. After returning home think how you can support programs and organizations that are working to protect the welfare, culture and environment of where you’ve been lucky to visit.

9. Lastly, consider ways to give back to the communities you visit, such as supporting local schools or development projects.

By traveling responsibly, you can make a positive impact on the places you visit and preserve the welfare, culture, and environment for future generations.

What if we could positively impact the people and places we visit… simply by changing the way we travel?

One of the most remarkable aspects of travel is that each new adventure represents an opportunity to benefit communities and conserve environments in the destinations we visit. With close to one billion tourist arrivals each year, that’s over one billion opportunities to make a difference!  

We’re building a movement of one million people committed to traveling better

Many of the destinations we visit are also extremely sensitive ecosystems and other people’s homes.  As visitors to these places, we should protect and respect them as if they were our own.

That’s why over the next 10 years, we’re building a movement of one million people and businesses all committed to traveling responsibly and leaving behind a positive impact in the places they visit.

Whether you’re a passionate globetrotter, bold adventurer, or conscientious business we hope you’re with us!  Together, we can work towards a future where ALL tourism is sustainable tourism.


Take the Travel Better pledge to join our movement and voice your commitment to responsible tourism:

I am committed to PROTECTING and PRESERVING our planet’s most vulnerable destinations so that future generations of residents and visitors can continue to experience the splendor of these places for years to come. I pledge to “Travel Better” by making a conscious effort to:

  • LIGHTEN the footprint of my travels
  • CONSERVE the wild places I explore
  • SUPPORT the people and communities I visit
  • RESPECT the wildlife I see
  • CELEBRATE cultures authentically and respectfully
  • ADVOCATE for sustainable tourism

Responsible Travel Creates Positive Change